106 Ways to Make Money Online & From The Comfort Of Your Own Home - Stay updated, stay happy.




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Tuesday 4 August 2020

106 Ways to Make Money Online & From The Comfort Of Your Own Home

106 Ways to Make Money Online & From The Comfort Of Your Own Home

Thanks to the internet there’s now a wide assortment of ways to make money online. So if you are stuck in a dead-end job and would like to change your life around then this guide will provide actionable strategies to enable you to do so. Whether you are looking for ways to make a bit of extra money, a part-time job, filling up your spare time or want to create a full-time income stream, there are plenty of opportunities to do so, all online and from the comfort of your own home.

To make this money making guide easier to digest, I have broken it down into sections. These include…

  • Working As A Freelancer
  • Creating And Monetizing A Blog
  • Types Of Websites.
  • Digital Ecommerce
  • Social Media
  • Other Ways To Make Money Online

Hopefully, there will be a few ideas in this extensive guide that appeal to you and will help you to make money online…

1.  Work As A Freelancer


Working as a freelancer is a great way to make money online from the comfort of your own home. The beauty of freelancing is that you can tailor it to suit your needs. You can freelance for a couple of hours a week in the evenings to help save up for a holiday or some much-needed home improvements.

Or carve out a full-time job for yourself, giving you a more satisfying work-life balance and enabling you to do the simpler things in life like taking the kids to school. With so many jobs available online, freelancing is becoming more and more popular.

Getting Started as a Freelancer

To get started, check out jobs on freelancer websites like People per Hour and Upwork. By browsing these sites you will get a good understanding of what freelance jobs are available. And although the majority of the jobs on these sites are quite low paid, they are a great place to start.

Once you have decided what services you will offer as a freelancer (keep reading to find out more on freelancing options), and have a couple of jobs under your belt, you should next create your own website. This will help you promote your services and showcase your work and testimonials from previous clients.

You should also email websites in your niche to advertise your services and get your name out there as a professional in your field. As you become well known within your chosen industry, you will quite quickly find you are inundated with job offers.

So now we know a bit about freelancing let’s have a look at some of the services you could offer as a freelancer…

a. Write for Blogs

With so many blogs needing content, website owners are crying out for writers to produce interesting blog posts on a regular basis. Writing blog posts varies greatly in pay, from $5 to $250 for 1000 words. If you are serious about becoming a freelance writer, pick a niche and become an expert on this subject.

Some subjects are much better paid than others, so although you may love the idea of writing about travel (badly paid) a better bet would be a niche like finance (much higher rates of pay). Check out the Pro Blogger job board for high paid freelance writing jobs – other places to look might be Textbroker or you can look at the “gigs” section on Craigslist.

b. Copywriting

Writing copy for websites is another great freelancing option for those who have a way with words. Copywriting can involve writing the text for websites, press releases, promotional offline materials including leaflets and brochures, and any other professional text for businesses. While writing blog posts is well paid it won’t make you as much money as writing copy for sales pages. However, clients can be more fussy, as they want the highest quality writing for the forefront of their website or advertising campaigns. Many freelance writers offer both copywriting and blog writing amongst their services. This can be a good way to juggle regular but lower paid clients (blogging) with the higher paid but ad-hoc project based copy work.

c. Write Industry Papers

If you have a background in a specific field, you may find there is a demand for writing industry papers in your area of expertise. For example, there are often adverts for doctors, lawyers, nutritionists, and business experts from particular niches, to write white papers on different subject areas. These are well paid jobs that you will need to stake your reputation on, but that can often be worked on from the comfort of your own home.

d. Editing

If you are a fast reader and have a good grasp of grammar and language then editing may be a good freelance role for you. Editing is a great way to quickly make money online, and there are always editing jobs available on freelance job sites. And the best part? Editor’s usually get paid per word, so the faster you can check through work the more money you will make per hour.

e. Website Design

If you have an eye for design and some experience of creating websites, then you could offer your services as a freelance web designer. You will need to create your own stylish website and have a few other projects that you can show potential clients to demonstrate your skills. You will also need to initially spend time emailing businesses to promote your services and find work.

Web design consists of mainly project-based jobs. However, you can offer ongoing maintenance for a monthly fee, which can be a good way to guarantee regular pay. Web design fees also differ greatly. So you will need to make the decision whether to target small businesses or compete for large clients with bigger budgets.

Tools & Resources: I’ve written a pretty comprehensive guide on the best web design software that covers both free and premium software packages. If you’re serious about becoming a web designer, then I recommend purchasing the full Adobe Creative Cloud Suite. At $49.99 per month, this is probably a bargain considering what you can achieve with this set of tools.

f. Graphic Design

There are many freelance options for graphic designers who are looking to make money online. Designing layouts and graphics for promotional material, corporate reports, magazines or book covers, are all tasks that businesses are looking for online freelancers to complete. Due to its flexible nature, graphic design possibilities can range from one-off projects to ongoing work with regular clients.

g. Create Logos

Logos are a crucial part of any business, and a talented graphic designer that can produce eye-catching logos will be in great demand. Although there are many graphic design jobs advertised on freelance websites, pitching your services to businesses will enable you to command a better price for your work.

h. Online SEO

Offering specific online SEO services is also another online freelancer role that businesses are crying out for. If you know how to improve a website’s SEO by doing keyword research, creating content that can rank in search engines, adding metadata/schema to posts and pages, and building backlinks to a domain, to name a few tasks, then this could be a great line of work for you.

i. Fiverr

Using Fiverr is a great way to pick up work. Once you have signed up you can advertise your services. Fiver allows you to create your own gigs, whether you are offering web design, digital marketing, writing, or something else. You can choose how much you want to charge (it can be more than a fiver) and people will then contact you if they are interested in working with you. Fiverr will not only help you get experience if you are just starting off as a freelancer, but it will also help you earn some extra cash.

2. Create And Monetize A Blog

Creating Your Own Blog can be a very effective way of topping up your monthly income. Or, for those lucky few who have blogs that really take off, it can become your main paycheck. 

j. Google AdSense

Signing up with Google Adsense will enable you to make money from advertising on your blog. Google AdSense will place relevant ads around your site, and if your site visitors click on these ads, you will earn a fee. Although each click only amounts to small change, if your blog has high levels of traffic and lots of page views this will quickly amount to a reasonable sum.

k. Banner Adverts

Creating space for banner ads on your website is another way to generate a revenue from adverts. However, for this type of advertising, you will need to contact businesses directly and ask them if they would like to advertise on your website. The upside is that you can charge a set amount, or even a recurring monthly fee, to business to promote their services on your site. Using a WordPress plugin like AdSanity is an effective way to manage this type of advertising.. 

l. Sponsored Posts

Sponsored posts work much in the same way as paid guest posts, but they are posted by big businesses instead of individual bloggers. Therefore, the scope for fees is much higher, as businesses have larger marketing budgets than humble bloggers. Having sponsored posts by large companies will also help promote your site as reputable and as a leader in its field.

m. Paid Reviews

Again, if your blog has a large reader base, then businesses may be interested in paying you to review their services or products. Not only will you get a free trial using whatever these businesses are selling, but you will also get a fee for writing them a review and posting it to your site. Paid reviews (and other paid and sponsored content) can be big money, so advertise this service on your contact page to generate business.

n. Other Paid Content

Some businesses may be interested in adding other types of paid content to your website. This could include videos, podcasts, or any other material that would work with your site and help a business market itself. Always make sure that paid content isn’t too promotional. It needs to add value to your audience first and foremost, and not just present as an advert.

o. Paid Featured Post

If you decide to go down the paid guest post and review road, then you should include the extra option of showcasing articles as featured posts. This allows businesses to pay extra to keep their paid article at the top of your blog page, as a featured article on your homepage, or as a ‘must read’ in your widget areas.

p. Affiliate Marketing with Amazon

One of the most successful ways of monetizing your blog is through affiliate marketing with Amazon. This involves adding links from your site to products on Amazon and then promoting those products in your blog’s content. If one of your visitors clicks through to Amazon and makes a purchase then you will receive a percentage of the sale.

To get started with Amazon affiliate marketing you will need to sign up with Amazon Affiliates. Then subtly market products on your site that are relevant to your niche and will be of interest to your audience. Make sure you only endorse high-quality products. If your visitors make a purchase on your recommendation but are not impressed with the item, you could quickly lose followers.

q. Write and Sell an eBook

Writing an eBook and selling it on your blog can be a great money maker. Your eBook should be directly relevant to your blog’s content so you can sell your book to your existing audience. Creating a recipe eBook for a food blog or an eBook full of training plans to complement your fitness site are just a couple of examples that have the potential to sell.

r. Fitness Site

A fitness site can have numerous revenue streams. Create healthy eating plans and recipes and lock them away as premium content. Promote and sell a fitness training course, eBook, or a series of videos. Or advertise your own personal fitness services on your site. topfithub is a good example of a fitness site with decent video content alongside product reviews.

s. Food Blog

Creating your own food blog, will not only be fun but done well it should also be profitable. Link your site to affiliate cooking products, sell your food photos, create and sell your own physical cookbook, or launch a cooking app. Equally, you could turn your cooking blog into a membership site. You would then share all your content, including recipes, how to videos, food photographs, and much more, with only your paid up members.

t. Lifestyle Blog

Lifestyle blogging is a popular trend at the moment and a great option for those passionate about sharing their lives online. If you enjoy posting on social media, taking selfies, and discussing what you’ve been up to with your followers, then your next step may well be setting up a lifestyle blog.

A lifestyle blogger writes about their everyday life, hobbies, and interests. From fashion, beauty tips, and male grooming, to food, restaurants, and travel, anything that you experience can be blogged about. And famous lifestyle bloggers can make big bucks. Once you have built up a following, there are many ways to make a profit. Add affiliate links to your website, promote sponsored services, create your own product range, and much more.

u. Dating Site

Dating sites and apps are extremely popular and have become more and more niche as the industry develops. They can also be very profitable, as there are many ways to monetize them. You can charge a joining fee, provide premium subscriptions, or make money from advertising on your site. white label dating provides a pre-built dating platform for your project. You simply choose the niche and branding for your new dating site. Once your website goes live, you just need to promote it, manage the users, and collect the earnings.



Selling products or services on the internet can be a very profitable venture. You may want to create your own products and eCommerce store, or sell other people’s goods through a range of different online platforms. So let’s take a look at some of the different ways to make money online through selling…

v. Selling on eBay

If you are really short on cash and need some immediate funds then you should start by looking around your house. Clear out your cupboards and find any items lying around that you don’t need or haven’t used for a while. Then sell them on eBay. Just because they are gathering dust in your cupboards, doesn’t mean someone else won’t snap them up. Simply sign up with eBay, list your products and then, as they are sold, send them off to the buyers.

w. Sell Using the eBay Valet Service

If you don’t have time to waste creating listings and promoting your products on eBay, then you should consider using eBay’s Valet Service. Simply drop off the products you are selling at an eBay drop off center and then let eBay’s experienced valets do the selling. When your items sell you will get up to 80% of the profits.

3. Become a YouTube Vlogger

Famous YouTube vloggers have followings in the hundreds and thousands and have become celebrities in their own right. And through advertising on their videos they have made big bucks. Popular YouTube vloggers can be paid by companies to promote their websites, products, and services.

Becoming a vlogger is very easy. Simply sign up with YouTube, create your own YouTube channel, and start making and posting videos. The harder part is deciding what to vlog about, and then promoting your channel and growing your audience.

Allow Advertising on Your YouTube Videos

If your YouTube channel has received over 10,000 views then you can begin to make money from your videos through advertising. YouTube place relevant ads on your videos, which in turn, if clicked on, will earn you money. To get started with this, simply sign up with google AdSense , and YouTube will take care of the rest.

Be an Instagram Influencer

Similar to a YouTube vlogger, if you have a large or engaged following on Instagram then you could become an Instagram Influencer. You will be paid to promote products in your photos, from wearing certain clothes to action shots of you using particular merchandise. As your Instagram following grows, you may start out simply receiving freebies in return for a picture of you with the item in the shot. However, for those with followings running into millions, you can expect large payments to display products in your pictures. Use sites like Hype Factory to help connect you with companies prepared to pay for your influence.

What Other Ways Can You Make Money Online?

Other Money Strategies

There are many other ways to make money online that don’t quite fit into the categories already mentioned. So let’s now have a look at a couple of those…

*Video Game Testing

Yes you read that right! You can get paid for playing video games in your underwear, at home!

Believe it or not the average annual income for a video game tester is actually $40k a year! That’s more than the average USA 2014 personal income of $35,000. AND to make matters worse, those people probably have to work hard for that money, not sitting on a comfy sofa playing video games in the comfort of your own home. Potentially you can be doing just a few hours from now.

*Buy & Sell CryptoCurrency

Cryptocurrency Or Digital Currency is the next big thing in currency trading. It’s a digital asset that is used as a method to pay for things, that isn’t run by a government or institution. Bitcoin is the most well known digital currency and was trading at $200 per Bitcoin back in 2013.

*Teach online

Sharing your passion and skills by teaching online is yet another way to make money online. Sites like Skillshare are always looking for teachers to create courses and support their students online. And Skillshare’s top teachers make up to $40000 a year.


Instead of trading stocks or commodities, another option is to trade in currencies. Forex, also known as Foreign Exchange or Currency Trading, is the largest market in the world. If you haven’t dabbled in trading before, start small, and remember don’t risk more money than you can afford to lose.

Most Important!!!!

Do not just jump in and start trading. You need to learn the ropes. Only fools rush into Forex Trading.

That's all. I hope you got all ways to earn money online. Just stay focused, learn, be creative. SKY WILL NOT BE YOUR LIMIT. 


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