Geologist are earth witch, they reveals the earth secret.. Fact about earth. - Stay updated, stay happy.




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Friday 31 July 2020

Geologist are earth witch, they reveals the earth secret.. Fact about earth.


The earth is slipping along the San Andreas fault at a rate of about 2" per year. This means that in about 15 millions years Los Angeles and San Francisco will be neighbors.
The Great Lakes, combined, contain more than 20% of the world's available fresh water. (Doesn't count underground aquafers or polar ice)

People experiencing earthquakes in the Great Lakes region have the glaciers to thank - the earth there is still "rebounding" from having been smushed by glaciers during the last ice age. ("Smushed" isn't actually a geological term, but it should be.) 
What country owns Antacrtica? ANSWER: No one - there's a treaty that establishes Antarctica as a "neutral zone" ... though no telling how much longer this will go unchallenged, since melting due to global warming has begun exposing huge oil reserves beneath Antarctica's surface.
People who wade into the Dead Sea automatically float. Dissolved salts make the water so dense, humans are less dense in contrast and so float.
What is the most earthquake-prone state in the US? ANSWER: Gotcha! It's not California, but Alaska.
What is the most dominant element in the air we breathe? ANSWER: Gotcha again! Our atmosphere is 80% nitrogen.
Iceland looks huge on a regular map, but it is approximately the size of Kentucky. This is because the Mercator projection map we use to make lines of latitude and longitude lie flat inadvertently makes countries nearer the poles appear HUGE. 
Why doesn't the earth have as many craters as the moon? ANSWER: We do - but our craters have gradually eroded away or been overgrown by vegetation.

About 200 million years from now, Asia and America will collide to form a supercontinent centered around the north pole. Scientists already have a name for it: Amasia. (Because apparently scientists are better at predicting stuff than they are at naming stuff.)
Every so often our magnetic poles "reverse" - the north pole and the south pole reverse their magnetism. Scientists estimate this could happen again about 1000-2000 years from now. (So start relabelling your magnets now!

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